Eilidh: Once upon a time, there were a ladybird and a rabbit. The rabbit had a very beautiful house.
Mummy: Wow..beautiful house!
Eilidh: Yes...and one day, the ladybird saw the rabbit and the rabbit saw the ladybird. They were very happy.
Mummy: Ohh..good to make friends.
Eilidh: Yes..then they went to the forest together.
Mummy: Why to the forest? Looking for food?
Eilidh: No..they went to the forest to look for a map.
(Mummy thought Eilidh was going to tell a story about treasure hunt...getting excited)
Mummy: Hmmm...map....and then..??
(wanting to hear more)
Eilidh: The end.
Mummy: Huh?? So fast?
Eilidh: Yeah...finished!
Mummy: -_-|||
Mummy: Eilidh..Eilidh....come tell Mummy a story. So what happened to that story - The ladybird and the rabbit went to the forest to look for a map. What happened next?
Eilidh: Ohh....the rabbit found a map under a giant tree. A GIANT, big big tree!
Mummy: Wow..giant tree! What about the ladybird?
Eilidh: The ladybird found a little, tiny map in a hole.
Mummy: What hole was that?
Eilidh: A hole near a rock.
Mummy: Okay...and then...?
Eilidh: The rabbit was very happy. She brought the map back home to show Daddy rabbit and Mummy rabbit.
Mummy: Uh huh...and then?
Eilidh: The ladybird also wanted to go home. He flew and flew and flew....
(Eilidh paused to swallow her saliva)
Mummy: Then?
Eilidh: The end!
Mummy: What??? That's all for this time??
Eilidh: Yeah...the ladybird flew and flew and flew and flew........... finish!!
Mummy: Huh? Finish again?!
Mummy: Wow..giant tree! What about the ladybird?
Eilidh: The ladybird found a little, tiny map in a hole.
Mummy: What hole was that?
Eilidh: A hole near a rock.
Mummy: Okay...and then...?
Eilidh: The rabbit was very happy. She brought the map back home to show Daddy rabbit and Mummy rabbit.
Mummy: Uh huh...and then?
Eilidh: The ladybird also wanted to go home. He flew and flew and flew....
(Eilidh paused to swallow her saliva)
Mummy: Then?
Eilidh: The end!
Mummy: What??? That's all for this time??
Eilidh: Yeah...the ladybird flew and flew and flew and flew........... finish!!
Mummy: Huh? Finish again?!
Eilidh: YES!
淳最近很爱读Titus's Troublesome Tooth...,The hungry caterpillar . 读不厌!
Little Tiger Press 及 Eric Carle 的书不错。。。淳最爱。很怀念住美国的日子,小孩可以在图书馆,接处很多好的书籍。。。Story telling section, 她最爰。
还有一本好书,Stuck In the Mud, by Jane Clarke.
She speaks English at home? How about mandarin?
cutemum: 如果你有留意我以前写我女儿的成长记录的话,你会发现我们在女儿很小还不会讲话的时候,就开始教她简单的手语,以帮助她表达她的意愿。那时候她才几个月大就已经懂得用手语表示她要喝奶、吃东西、喝水等。
一直以来,我们都坚决不用婴儿语,而是用正确的词语与她沟通。做家长的不要只‘告诉或指示’孩子,很多时候我们也要问与答,让孩子参与会话,多鼓励他们发言,说错了再纠正错误。即使她还很小,每一天我们都有阅读和唱儿歌的时间,再配上简单的肢体动作帮助她明白意思。晚上睡觉前,我老爱问她:Are you happy today? What makes you happy? What did you do today? 目的就是要让她思考,然后用自己的方式表达。
Onghappyfamilies: 谢谢你的儿童读物分享!麟儿也喜欢The Hungry Caterpillar,这本书是在她约3个月大时,格拉斯哥市政府的阅读中心和图书馆免费分发的。在苏格兰住的时候接触的主要是英国出版的儿童书籍,搬来加拿大后就是北美式的英文。这里最受欢迎的儿童读物是Marie-Louise Gay写的Stella and Sam.
ccc: Most of the time, I speak English to her and my husband speaks Mandarin to her. Or we will speak both languages to her one after another, like translating. Hehe.. We also taught her a few (very easy) Malay words. :P
bearlim: 让Eva从小培养阅读习惯吧!
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